December 4-6, 2024
Joint Annual Conference & Exposition
Stoney Creek Hotel
18011 Bass Pro Drive
Independence, MO 64055
Missouri Pest Management Association
Partnered with
Kansas Pest Control Association
Joint Annual Conference & Exposition
December 4-6, 2024
Stoney Creek Hotel
18011 Bass Pro Drive
Independence, MO 64055
AI, IoT and Innovation in Pest Management
Pest Control Laws for Missouri and Kansas
PANEL DISCUSSION: Updates and Rules
FlyQ – Insect Light Trap Selection, Placement, and Innovation
Rodent Guest Management 3.0
Cockroaches, Termites, Ants, Safety and WDI
Professionals from across Missouri gather each year at the Joint Conference & Exposition hosted by the Missouri Pest Management Association and Kansas Pest Control Association, providing a unique opportunity for networking and reaching a wide group of customers. Participation in this event provides your organization with many opportunities to make direct contact with people working to provide the best in Pest Management Services. Those attending the conference represent all sectors of the industry from government and private industry to nonprofit and educational institutions. The MPMA and KPCA Joint Conference & Exhibition serves as one of the biggest gatherings of pest control professionals in Missouri, as well as those directly and indirectly involved in these efforts.
The educational opportunities provided throughout the conference offer up-to-date information you need to know and will offer you effective tips on how to improve your services. We are excited to share the line-up for this years Annual Conference & Exhibition and want to ensure your time is well-spent and your experience provides you with information you will find useful.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
10:00 am Registration Opens
10:00 am – 1:00 pm Exhibitor Setup
10:00 am – 2:00 pm ACE TRAINING | Instructor: Jeffery Preece, BCE, ZipZap Termite & Pest Control
1:00 – 1:45 pm Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Innovation in Pest Management | Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, PestWest USA
1:45 – 2:30 pm Completing Paperwork to Mitigate Legal Risk | Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, PestWest USA
2:30 – 2:45 pm Break
2:45 – 3:45 pm What NPMA Has For You | Allison Allen, BCE, VP Membership & Certification, National Pest Management Association
3:45 pm PANEL DISCUSSION: UPDATES and RULES | Allison Allen, BCE, VP Membership & Certification, National Pest Management Association; Shawn Hackett, FIFRA Project Officer for Missouri, EPA; Emily Groner, Certification Coordinator, Missouri Department of Agriculture
5:30 pm MPMA and KPCA Board Meetings
5:30 – 6:30 pm Reception with Exhibitors
Thursday, December 5, 2024
7:00 am Registration Opens
7:00 – 8:00 am Breakfast with Exhibitors (included with Thursday registration)
8:00 – 9:00 am Formidable Formicidae (Ants!) | Allison Allen, BCE, VP Membership & Certification, National Pest Management Association
9:00 – 10:00 am MOSQUITOS | Allison Allen, BCE, VP Membership & Certification, National Pest Management Association
10:00 – 10:20 am Break with Exhibitors
10:20 – 11:20 am FlyQ – Insect Light Trap Selection, Placement, and Innovation | Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, PestWest USA
11:20 – 12:20 pm Rodent Guest Management 3.0 | Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, PestWest USA
12:20 – 1:20 pm Luncheon (included with Thursday registration)
1:20 – 2:20 pm Cancelling Callbacks – German Cockroach Management Best Practices | Dr. Tim Husen, Syngenta
Missouri Breakout Sessions
2:30 – 3:30 pm Termites Behaving Badly | Dr. Bob Davis, BASF
3:30 – 3:50 pm Break with Exhibitors
3:50 – 4:50 pm SAFETY and LABELS | Tommy Reeves, Oldham Chemicals
4:50 – 5:50 pm MISSOURI CORE HOUR | Missouri Department of Agriculture
5:50 pm MPMA Annual Meeting
Kansas Breakout Sessions
2:30 – 3:30 pm Topeka Zoo
3:30 – 3:50 pm Break with Exhibitors
3:50 – 4:50 pm Rooftop Pest Control – Stupid Kills | Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, PestWest USA
4:50 – 5:50 pm Kansas CORE HOUR | Kansas Department of Agriculture
Friday, December 6, 2024
7:00 am Registration Opens
7:00 – 8:00 am Breakfast with Exhibitors (included with Friday registration)
8:00 – 8:50 am Winning the Game – Managing Carpenter Ants Around Structures | Dr. Tim Husen, Syngenta
8:55 – 9:45 am Buzz Off – Managing Carpenter Bees Around Structures | Dr. Tim Husen, Syngenta
9:45 – 10:35 am The Evolution of Termite Baiting: Past, Present and Future | Dr. Sang-Bin Lee, University of California, Oakland
10:35 – 11:00 am Break with Exhibitors
11:00 – 11:50 am Top Ten Quality Termite Treatment Actions | Dr. Bob Davis, BASF
11:50 – 12:40 am Top Ten Quality Termite Treatment Actions continued
12:40 – 1:30 pm Luncheon (included with Friday registration)
1:30 – 2:20 pm WOOD BORING BEETLES | Dr. Jamel Sandidge, National Director, Nisus Corporation
2:20 – 3:10 pm WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS | Dr. Sang-Bin Lee, University of California, Oakland
3:10 – 4:20 pm WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS (continued) | Dr. Sang-Bin Lee, University of California, Oakland
Re-Certification Credits
MISSOURI: APPROVED for recertification credit in 7A-General Structural Pest Control and 7B-Termite Pest Control.
KANSAS: PENDING for 7 hours 7e Thursday, 7 hours 7D/8 Thursday and 7 hours 7A Friday.
ILLINOIS: PENDING for 7 CEUs on 12/5 and PENDING for 5 CEUs on 12/6.
ARKANSAS: APPROVED for recertification credits.
OKLAHOMA: PENDING for recertification credits.
Paper Registration
Hotel Information
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Stoney Creek Hotel, 18011 Bass Pro Drive, Independence, MO 64055, for $120.00 for Queen/King Room. The cutoff date to make your reservations is Monday, November 4, 2024.
Call 816-908-9600 and mention the “Missouri Pest Management Association” to receive your discount.
More Information
Missouri Pest Management Association
722 E. Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Fax: 573‐635‐7823
Allison Allen, BCE, is the VP of Membership and Certification for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) as well as the Executive Director of QualityPro, the accreditation program endorsed by NPMA. NPMA supports members in being professional, knowledgeable, and profitable through education, industry leadership, public policy advocacy, and growth of the market. QualityPro is the largest credentialing program for companies in the pest management industry and includes the QualityPro Food Safety, QualityPro Schools, QualityPro Public Health and GreenPro service certifications. Allie has been in the pest management industry for over 17 years. She started as a lowly lab tech doing pest control on farms and bed bugs brought her to the structural side. With degrees in entomology and education, Allie has always loved talking to people about pests. She spent many years at Cornell University getting those degrees and then working for the New York State IPM Program and the Northeastern IPM Center. For the IPM Center she developed and ran the StopPests in Housing Program which worked with affordable housing properties and the pest management professionals that service them across the US and its territories. Outside of Cornell, she has also worked for the NYC Department of Health, Modern Pest Services, BedBug Central, and the National Center for Healthy Housing. Allie is a board certified entomologist and is an active member of the Entomological Society of America and Pie KI (rhymes with sky) Omega the pest management fraternity. Allie lives near NPMA in Virginia with her husband, son, and menagerie. She is active in Scouts with her son, enjoys growing plants for insects to live on and eat, and is usually up for any adventure especially if it involves horses.
Dr. Bob Davis, BCE, has a varied employment background. Positions have included: Fisheries Biologist, Pest Control Operator, Pest Control Technician, Extension Research Specialist, Graduate Research Assistant, Technical Director for ABC Pest & Lawn Services of Austin, TX and Technical Field Representative for Aventis and Bayer Environmental Sciences. Bob is presently employed as a Technical Services Representative for BASF Professional & Specialty Solutions. Bob received his educational degrees from the University of Nebraska (UNL). At UNL he received a BS degree in Natural Resources and his MS and Ph.D. in Entomology from UNL. He is a Board Certified Entomologist and is active in the Entomological Society of America. His graduate work was focused on testing and evaluating termite control materials and techniques. Bob has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and has provided educational materials and articles through extension and professional magazine venues. He has provided many and varied educational and research presentations in our industry for over thirty-five years.
Emily Groner is from St. Thomas, Missouri, a small town south of Jefferson City. She graduated from Missouri State University in Springfield in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture education. She has seven years of experience in the production agriculture industry, six of those years were spent on two Missouri dairy farms, and the seventh year was the farrowing operations manager at a mid to large size JBS sow farm in the central Missouri area. She was an Agriculture Education teacher and an FFA advisor for one year at Nichols Career Center in Jefferson City, Missouri, prior to accepting my current position as the Certification Coordinator for the Pesticide Program at the Missouri Department of Agriculture.
Shawn Hackett is a Life Scientist with the Tanks, Toxics & Pesticides Branch at EPA Region 7. He has been with EPA for eight years and is currently assigned as the FIFRA Project Officer for Missouri, Certification and Training Coordinator, and a FIFRA Inspector. Prior to EPA, Shawn was employed by the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Pesticide & Fertilizer Program for 16 years as an Investigator and Compliance Section Chief. He began in the lawn care industry in 1984, working for 16 years in positions that included Applicator, Route Supervisor, Safety & Compliance Manager and Operations Manager. He is currently certified as a Kansas commercial certified applicator in Ornamental, Turf, and Industrial Weed Control.
Dr. Tim Husen, BCE, PHE, PCQI, is the Technical Services Manager for Syngenta Professional Pest Management’s Midwest and Northeast US Sales Territories. In this role, Tim supports Syngenta PPM’s innovation and product launch platforms, as well as providing direct support to Syngenta PPM’s sales and marketing teams (and their customers). Tim began his career in operational pest control at Waltham Services where he developed and directed technical and training operations and managed quality control procedures, personnel and reporting. He also worked as a Technical Service Manager for Rollins Inc. where he provided a wide variety of technical support and guidance across the company including Operations, Marketing, and Training based out of Rollins Corporate headquarters in Atlanta, GA. Prior to joining Syngenta, Tim was a Technical Services Representative covering the Southeast US for BASF Professional and Specialty Solutions. Dr. Husen is a subject matter expert on insect and rodent pest control tactics, products, and equipment with 26 years of experience in entomology and structural pest management. He is a board certified urban and public heath entomologist with 30 scientific or extension publications and numerous presentations at scientific and pest management related events. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences, a Master’s degree in entomology, and a Ph.D. in entomology from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
Sang-Bin Lee, Ph.D., is an assistant urban IPM advisor at University of California Agriculture and Natural resources. He completed his Ph.D. in entomology and nematology at the University of Florida and studied the behavior and ecology of one of the most important invasive termite pests in the world, the Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus). Now, he focuses on the behavior and ecology of several urban pests to improve the current IPM program in California. Lee is active in regional and national entomological and behavioral societies and has been the recipient of several fellowships, awards, and grants.
Dr. Stuart (Doc) Mitchell, BCE, is a lifelong student, observing family physician, consulting clinical psychologist, consulting veterinarian, consulting entomologist, and pest management professional. Serving the pest management industry for 40 years as a technical specialist, technical director, consultant, expert-witness, columnist, author, lectu8rer, and speaker.
Jeffery Preece, BCE, PHE, founder of Zip Zap Termite & Pest Control and a Board Certified Entomologist, running a family owned third generation pest management company in the Kansas City area. Jeff has been a board certified entomologist registered with the Entomological Society of America since 2005. He continues to leverage the expertise he has acquired in the industry since 1985.
Tommy D. Reeves has appeared at many training meetings for the pest control and lawn care industry. He has an A.S. in Business from Jackson State Community College, B.B.A. from Lambuth University and J.D. from Memphis State School of Law. Tommy has practiced law for approximately 12 years, owned his own law practice and assisted small business owners in developing small business structures. He has served as board member in RISE, UPFDA, NPCA and many state pest control associations. He has appeared at several state and local meetings and made hundreds of presentations on pest control subjects.
Jamel S. Sandidge, BCE, PhD, MA, has been involved in multiple levels of the pest management industry for the last 23 years. Dr. J. joined Nisus Corporation in 2019 as the Innovation Platform Leader for Pest Management Systems where he is responsible for driving the development and growth of new and existing products in the professional line. He is now the National Director of Technical Services, where he supports the industry through education, training and technical support. Dr. J. is a board-certified Entomologist who holds a Master’s degree in Entomology and a Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Kansas. While attending grad school he launched a pest management business, starting from the ground up. He owned and operated BRS Pest Control and Consulting for 9 years, gaining practical experience in the field solving complex pest management issues. Dr. J. previously served as a Research Entomologist with responsibilities in product research and development, efficacy testing, and technical assistance.